Honour Those


I had this idea almost a year ago. Wasn't sure if I wanted to make anything of it, since it could be construed in any number of negative ways. The heart, though, is: 


Because there's something beautiful, something precious here. A family honouring the past - honouring each other. It's not always easy, in life. 

The choices we make, the small ones. That's part of what we see here; Life is full of grey tones. Perhaps you won't dedicate a bench, or you don't want to. But for these folks who did it - with hearts of gladness or with pain - I'm grateful for a beautiful glimpse of the past.

Some seemingly forgotten.

Others lost.

None of them are meaningless.

To the families and individuals near and far who physically invested in honour - you have my gratitude. To those who did so in pain, my heart is with you.

For the rest of the collection, and a last note, see below.


In respect, there were some I did not record.


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